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In the form of, what else . . . reading!
Must-read/reread: Conversations with God
Already read this book , but I plan to read it again. Much more so because it's apropos for the Lenten season.
" Suppose you could ask God the most puzzling questions about existence---questions about love and faith, life and death, good and evil.
Suppose God provided clear, understandable answers.
It happened to Neale Donald Walsch.
It can happen to you.
You are about to have a conversation. . .
For those with an open mind, a limitless curiosity, and a sincere desire to seek the truth, this book is stunning.
[From the back cover of the book.]
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Side read: Faking it in America
I bought this book at an unassuming bookstore in UP Diliman. It appealed to my Business and Economics background.
I haven't started it yet, but from the title I can glean that it is one of those business success-to-business scam stories, business hero to business heel real-life drama. Hmmm, despicable, evil schizo Green Goblin in me: How about faking it in my province of Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines? Wink wink, nudge nudge.
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To-be-concluded read: Pharaoh
I already started this but could not get around to finishing it. Maybe the 5-day Lenten season staycation might remedy it. My bad. Not the book's fault. Quite an intriguing plot.
The plot in a nutshell: One of the greatest religious figures of one of the world's greatest religions turned out not a believer in his own God. He might have led his own people out of slavery and bondage of men and idols but he himself was torn between his faith and his heathen, royal, Egyptian upbringing.
What if at the time of his death he chose the latter: buried as a pharaoh and not a man of God. That in fact in his heart and mind, he died a non-believer; that there were no "Chosen People".
Such discovery could create chaos and upheaval among the world's competing religions. It could forever change the landscape of the world's geopolitics. Or maybe it could restore peace in the Middle East and the Arab world.
Have a blessed Holy Week everyone!