The Harvard Person/The Law Firm Bag Person – There is at least one person, and most likely more than one person, in your bar review class who has managed to wear a Harvard t shirt to every class. Close by (or sometimes the same person) is their related cousin, the person with a bag embroidered with their white shoe, soon-to-be-employer. Really? You made it through college and law school without a law firm logo on your bag, but all of a sudden you can only find your law firm bag for bar review? Secretly we like that intimidation factor, but it still makes you sort of a douche.
The Front Row Gunner – This is the guy or gal (or 40
of them) that gets to 9 am class at 805 am to get the front row seat
for the video lecture. It is good for focus so we respect that, but
just know that law school is over and now you are just making strangers,
instead of just classmates, dislike you.
The Latecomer – By week 3 of Bar Review it is going to be clear that this person has no intention of ever being on time.
The You Went To Law School ? Person – For ladies
this is the legally blond looking woman who still believes that bar prep
is a chance to impress with her fashion or begin/continue
husband/boyfriend hunting (the official policy of CAL is “If you Got It,
Flaunt It”). For guys it is the shaggy haired, hemp necklace guy who
seems far too earthy and granola for law school (but it is most likely a
last front of desperation before he starts working for Big Law to pay
off his crunchy loans).
The Person Who Wants to Re-Do Law School and Make More Friends At Bar Review
– This guy or girl is going to want to have a standing lunch
appointment with you by week 2 because law school did not work out as
college 2.0. This is their last chance to forge a friendship before
life-consuming work begins. So what the hell – be nice to them. Odds
are they are social misfits because they were too busy getting kick ass
grades. In 20 years, sharing a few sandwich breaks now may pay off for